OCBA Draft Minutes from June Meeting

Press Release

And agenda for next meeting on July 16th.

Ocracoke Civic and Business Association

DRAFT Minutes
Wednesday, June 11, 2014. Ocracoke Community Center

Meeting was called to order by President Rudy Austin at 7:10 p.m. Board members present: Connie Leinbach, Kenny Balance, Jim Borland and Clayton Gaskill. Members present: Arleen Burley, Anna Rucker, Sundae Horn, Corky Pentz. Minutes: The minutes of the May meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s report: Kenny reported that cash balance was $25,318.22. We need to request the $29,000 from the Occupancy Tax Board before June 30. He and Connie will work on that.

Travel & Tourism Director’s report: Sundae Horn reported that July 4th activities schedule has been finalized. It’s a very full schedule. Prize money for floats has been increased with the hope that there will be more entrants. She will send out a press release about this. Sky divers will not happen this year because of the difficulty of getting them here and back to where they came from. However, they are committed to us for next year and are fine with landing on the ball field. She will work on getting FAA approval of this early. This year, she ordered a larger stage and tent with side flaps in case of rain.
Sundae also will be working with the Hyde County Chamber as an new board member.

President’s report: Rudy reported that we need to send a letter to the Cape Hatteras National Seashore enumerating the following:
1. The public boat ramp needs to be fixed. It is six degrees and should be 14 degrees.
2. The public parking lot (near that ramp) is a junk pile. The LEs are not enforcing the 72-hour rule.
3. They need to work now on making sure funding for lifeguards is in next year’s budget. Lifeguards need to be NPS employees.
Also, we need more brochure racks for the ferries. He also has aske
d for a sign to be placed under the “welcome” sign at the north end of the island that says “Ocracoke Village 13 miles” with a directional arrow.

Storm water remediation: Connie reported for Justin LeBlanc that we are sending out letters to property owners adjacent to Old Pony Road, which is along Blackbeard’s Lodge, as the first step in fixing that puddle. Once the property owners are OK with it, we will send a memo to the Mosquito Control board to let bids on the remediation action. Justin has drafted the letters and memo. Connie will send. A motion to approve sending these two items was made by Ken Ballance and seconded by Jim Borland. Motion approved and carried.

Kenny also noted that we need to approach the Hyde County commissioners about having solidarity about the NPS funding life guards. The OCBA does not support the County paying $10,000 for lifeguards as this sets a bad precedent. Connie will send a letter to the commissioners asking them for a resolution against the county spending money next year for lifeguards on the NPS beaches.

New Business: Sundae reported that Kris Noble, Hyde County development director, is researching the feasibility of an Ocracoke Tourism Authority. She is doing this at the request of County Manager Bill Rich and will be talking with island business owners throughout the summer. A tourism authority would be strictly for Ocracoke and have the authority to levy a tax. This is in the research phase only at this time.

The meeting adjourned at 8:38 p.m.
Next meeting is at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 16. (Decided after this meeting adjourned) Respectfully submitted,

Connie Leinbach, secretary



Monthly meeting
7 p.m. Wednesday, July 16, 2014 Ocracoke Community Center

  1. Call to Order

  2. Approval of Minutes

  3. Treasurer’s Report (Kenny Ballance)

  4. Travel & Tourism Director report (Sundae Horn)

  5. President’s Report (Rudy Austin): Ferries; dredging

  6. Storm Water Committee report

7. New Business 8. Old Business

9. As-needed updates:
Committee reports
Officers’ reports
County Manager, Bill Rich
County Commissioner, John Fletcher National Park Service, Ed Fuller

  1. Announcements

  2. Adjourn

    Next meeting: Wednesday, Aug. 13, 2014. 7 p.m. Ocracoke Community Center 

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