Ocracoke Dolphins Go Back to School

The class of 2015 started their last year of high school on Monday.

Lucy O'Neal, Abby Morris, Katie O'Neal, Samantha Styron, Hunter Collins and Hunter Belch
Lucy O'Neal, Abby Morris, Katie O'Neal, Samantha Styron, Hunter Collins and Hunter Belch

In Pre-K through 12th grade, there are 164 students enrolled at Ocracoke School this fall. That'a a lot of Dolphins in the pod! The sophomores have the biggest class (19 kids!), followed by Kindergarten (17), 2nd grade (16) and 8th grade (16). Best of luck for a great school year to all the students, teachers, and staff! 

Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday, those big seniors were little young'uns like these:

Ocracoke Pre-K kids with teacher Jennifer Daniels. Uriah Johson, Kai King, Javier Ibarra, Kalil Zuniga-Zapata, Jenny Garcia, Kimberly Rodriguez, Isaid Bravo, Stephanie Flores-Espinoza, and Tommy Bullard are officially Ocracoke Dolphins!
Ocracoke Pre-K kids with teacher Jennifer Daniels. Uriah Johson, Kai King, Javier Ibarra, Kalil Zuniga-Zapata, Jenny Garcia, Kimberly Rodriguez, Isaid Bravo, Stephanie Flores-Espinoza, and Tommy Bullard are officially Ocracoke Dolphins!
Congratulations, Class of 2028!



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