Ocracoke Sunset

Ocracoke Sunset

Thanks to David and Karen Sawyer for this beautiful sunset photo.


David has been visiting Ocracoke since he was a young boy and his family used to camp by the sound (which is now the parking lot next to the ferry docks). He and his wife, Karen, are from Chesapeake, Virginia, and visit whenever they can.  

They say, "There is nothing better than spending a few days in Ocracoke to see the glorious sunsets, ride bicycles, and enjoy a few hours on the beach." They like to fish for trout, catch crabs and dig for clams.

David and Karen sent these with the question "Can you have too many pictures of sunsets?"  To which we answer, "Never!"

If you'd like to see your Best Shots eventually get posted to the Current's front page, please send them to ocracokecurrent@gmail.com

Gone Clamming
Gone Clamming
There's never too many sunsets photos.
There's never too many sunsets photos.
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