Portsmouth Adventure for 2nd Grade

Portsmouth Adventure for 2nd Grade

Portsmouth Adventure for 2nd Grade

Ocracoke School's 2nd grade went on a Portsmouth Island adventure.

Portsmouth Adventure for 2nd Grade

The field trip with Mr. Rudy Austin was on the morning of April 18th.  The children explored an environment from the past and compared it with the present.  This ties directly to our social studies curriculum and it was great for the kids to see the actual environment.  

The kids did a great job explaining how our present environment was different and why these changes happened.  

Portsmouth Adventure for 2nd Grade

We noticed the holes in the floors of houses on Portsmouth for managing storm surges.  We now build our houses on stilts to prevent flooding. 

Mr. Rudy was a knowledgeable tour guide and was able to give great history lessons.  The kids enjoyed sitting in the school and imagining what life would be like.  They had chalkboards back then and now we have Smartboards.  Mr. Rudy even showed them the switch!



-submitted by Ocracoke School 2nd grade teacher Claudia Moote

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