Kati Wharton, Bill Jones, Walt Padgett, and Eden Honeycutt
Kati Wharton, Bill Jones, Walt Padgett, and Eden Honeycutt

Ocracoke School celebrated its classroom volunteers with a breakfast at the Pony Island Restaurant.

Principal Walt Padgett and Ocracoke School teachers thanked each of them for their dedicated service to the school.

Not all were able to attend, but volunteers this school year were:

Bill Jones - Middle School Language Arts
Nancy Leach - Pre K
Eden Honeycutt - Kindergarten 
Jen Esham - 2nd grade 
Vera Buxton - 2nd grade
Kati Wharton - 1st grade
Linda Scarborough - 1st grade
Ralph Buxton - Middle School Math
Karen Lovejoy - 3rd grade
Norma Sigal - 3rd grade

Ocracoke School teachers and students are lucky, indeed!