Sundae Horn
This photo is from the Ellen Fulcher Cloud collection in the OPS library.
This photo is from the Ellen Fulcher Cloud collection in the OPS library.

All are welcome to enjoy a slideshow of old Ocracoke photos this Tuesday.

Ocracoke Preservation Society will hold their fall membership meeting and potluck this Tuesday, November12th at 6pm at Deepwater Theater. 

Following the fabulous food, and a short business meeting, OPS staff will present over 200 slides from their archive. Come out to see what live on Ocracoke was like in the good old days.

OPS recently received a grant to pay for equipment and personnel so they could digitize their old photo collection. They'd like to see you photos, too! If you have any to share, OPS would like to borrow them, scan them, and return the originals to you. You can even get a digital copy from them, too.

Many of the photos in the OPS collection are unidentified. If you can help them figure out who's who in the pictures, please come out Tuesday night or contact OPS at 252-928-7375.