For the Ocracoke Album.

Ocracoke Current hopes our astute readers can help identify this man.
Ocracoke Current hopes our astute readers can help identify this man.

Brad Shepard, a visitor from Wilmington, NC, thumbed through the racks of old stuff at the Community Store last weekend, and "bought a lot" of slides from the late 1950s. He then photographed them using a backlit display on his Samsung Galaxy 4.

Thank you for sharing, Brad! He posted his favorites on his flickr page. It is more than worth checking them all out. We picked just a few of our favorites, and hope that Brad will photograph and upload more of the Ocracoke slides he bought. Another reason to visit his flickr page is to see the images in greater detail.

Photo capture of slides courtesy of Brad Shepard
Photo capture of slides courtesy of Brad Shepard


Who is the man examining the nets? Who is the young boy? Why is the boat hard aground? Is that a dead horse at the boys feet? What do you see in these sounds?
Who is the man examining the nets? Who is the young boy? Why is the boat hard aground? Is that a dead horse at the boys feet? What do you see in these sounds?


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Whose fine red car was that?


The tradition of Albert Styron's Store trucks had to start somewhere.
The tradition of Albert Styron's Store trucks had to start somewhere.


Vacation time eventually ends.
Vacation time eventually ends.


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Then locals find entertainment at the library? What building is this? Whose house is that?