Sundae Horn
Ferry Schedule Demystified

Having trouble decoding the latest information on ferry runs from Hatteras to Ocracoke? Ocracoke Current to the rescue!

According to ferry division spokeshuman Steve Abbott, the following will be the Hatteras-Ocracoke schedule starting today, and for as long as we're using the alternate channel.

And how long will that be? Mr. Abbott reports that the ferry division doesn't have a timetable for that because it's an Army Corps of Engineers project. The channel needs to be re-dredged. That sounds like a Current story for a future day.

Until then.... this new schedule is also available on the ferry division's website as yesterday. Here. 

Friends of the Current Fred and Ernie Westervelt took it upon themselves to decipher the code from the last NCDOT press release, put it in list form, and send it to us. Thanks!

Even with this helpful lay-out, the new schedule is annoyingly un-memorizable. Good luck to us all!


Leave Ocracoke                                        Leave Hatteras


                          5: 00 AM                                                5:15 AM

                           6:30                                                         6:15

                           7:30                                                         7:45

                           9:00                                                         8:15

                           9:30                                                         8:45                                           

                           10:00                                                       9:15

                           10:30                                                       9:45

                           11:00                                                      10:00

                           11:15                                                      10:15  

                           11:30                                                      10:45

                           Noon                                                      11:15

                           12:30 PM                                               11:45 

                           1:00                                                        12:15 PM

:                          1:30                                                        12:30

                           1:45                                                         12:45

                           2:00                                                         1:15

                           2:30                                                         1:45

                           3:00                                                         2:15

                           3:30                                                          2:45

                           4:00                                                         3:00                                                     

                           4:15                                                         3:15

                           4:30                                                         3:45

                           5:00                                                         4:15

                           5:30                                                         4:45



                           6:00                                                         5:45

                           6:30                                                         6:15

                           6:45                                                         6:45

                           7:00                                                         7:15


                           8:00                                                         7:45

                           8:30                                                         8:00

                           9:00                                                         8:15

                           9:15                                                         9:15

                           9:30                                                         10:45                

                           10:30                                                       11:45
