Thank you to all the great speakers and enthusiastic citizens who attended the Raleigh and Ocracoke Public Hearings this week.

We had excellent speakers who brought many valuable perspectives to this public debate.

On the morning after the Ocracoke Public Hearing, we met with the Hyde County Manager and community leaders in Ocracoke.  We have planned a strategy to communicate more directly with legislators regarding the plight of Ocracoke and the reality of continuing damage to the Outer Banks economy.

Please attend the Pamlico Public Hearing.  The NC DOT staffers are expecting a large crowd, and we will not disappoint them.  Opposition to ferry taxes is increasing.  We know more people are getting involved as they learn about the issue and consider the consequences of adding ferry taxes in Pamlico, Beaufort, Hyde counties and increasing tolls on the Outer Banks ferries.

Pamlico County locals, please come early and help us hand out NO FERRY TAX stickers to everyone as they stand in line to sign in and sign up to speak.  We need volunteers to meet us at 5:30 pm at the Auditorium entrance.  Thank you in advance for your help.

Everyone plan to be at the location of the Monday, 3/18/13 by 6:00 pm.  Be sure to arrive in time to SIGN UP to speak, no less than 60 minutes in advance of 7:00 pm:

Ned E. Delamar Center Auditorium

Pamlico Community College

5049 Highway 306 South

Grantsboro, NC 28529


In the meanwhile, no further ferry toll bills were filed this week, although one or two are in the drafting stage.  Rep. Michael Speciale’s HB#62 was filed on 2/4/2013, and was an early attempt to remedy the problems of the Highway 306 ferries across the Neuse River and Pamlico River.  HB#62 was referred to the House Committee on Transportation.  If it is given a favorable report, it must next be considered by the House Finance Committee before being eligible for a vote by the full House.  It is not presently scheduled for hearing.

Several other legislators have become interested in helping with the ferry toll issue:  Senator Norman Sanderson, Senator Bill Cook, Representative Paul Tine, and Representative Charles Jeter.  We have been told that one or more bills will be filed by these legislators in the next few business days.

Next week at the Legislature in Raleigh, the Joint Appropriations Committee on Transportation will continue to meet, and we will be there.  We will continue to speak to individual Senators and Representatives to educate them about our issue.

Hopefully, by the end of next week we will have specific information for you to use when you write, email, and call the legislators.  We will provide a House or Senate Bill # and basic information to help you formulate your individual communications.

We will keep in touch!

Best regards, Henri & Joe

Joe & Henri McClees

McClees Consulting, Inc.

PO Box 430

Oriental, NC 28571-0430

Office (252) 249-1097

Fax (252) 249-3275

Joe’s mobile (252) 671-1585

Henri’s mobile (252) 671-1559 

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