Press Release

OCBA  Monthly Meeting

January 9, 2013; Ocracoke Community Center


Attending: Rudy Austin, president; Carol Pahl, treasurer; Clayton Gaskill, vice-president; Connie Leinbach, secretary;  Jim Borland, board member-at-large; Robin Payne,  Arlene Burley, Darlene Styron, Fred Westervelt, Dick Jacoby, Janey Jacoby, John Fletcher, Bill Jones, Rob Temple, Charles Temple, Megan Shaw, Rachel Cobb.

The meeting was called to order by President Rudy Austin, at 7:05 p.m.

Minutes:  A motion to accept the minutes of the December meeting was made by Fred Westervelt and seconded by Janey Jacoby. Motion approved and carried. Since minutes of the September and November meetings had not been emailed to members, they will be approved at the Feb. 13 meeting.

Treasurer’s report:  Carol Pahl reported that little has changed since the last meeting. $35,080 is in a restricted use CD.   Bills paid during the month: $49.02 for phone line, $500 for Village Print fulfillment, $500 for Historic Abermarle Sound dues; $50 to the Community Center for a food fee during the Christmas Concert.  Accounts receivable: $1,410 Walking Map advertising, $7,868 Occupancy Tax. Accounts payable: $9,500 Walking Map. Total unrestricted cash available: $69,638.

Officers’ Reports: President Rudy Austin reported that additional ferries will be added to Swan Quarter while the Hatteras ferries are suspended.  He said Allen Burrus (a Dare County commissioner) told him they are still waiting for a memo of agreement to pump sand at the S-curve area in Rodanthe. Rudy also shared the Ferry Division’s ridership report for Hatteras, which shows that the fall months of this year were down considerably from last year. For example, November of this year had 5,489, down from 13,046 last year.  Overall, ridership was 284,146 for 2012, up from 275,507 in 2011.

County Commissioner update: John Fletcher suggested that OCBA install road signs along the highway directing pedestrians to walk against the traffic. Darlene Styron responded that the highway is a state road that is their jurisdiction.   However, OCBA will send a letter to the state asking for them to reinstall the signs.  Fletcher also asked that we ask the state to paint a left turn lane into the bank.  Fletcher also asked why there was no handicap parking sign in front of the Community Center porch. Darlene Styron pointed out that the sign is most likely in the Community Center office (that the county uses) and that the county should install the sign.

Old Business: Travel reimbursement for DeAnna Locke’s attendance at the November Historic Albemarle Tour meeting.  Locke attended this meeting in Edenton in place of Robin Payne, but Locke gave a report on the meeting to the OPS since she was then OPS executive director.  (The OCBA pays $500 a year to be a member of the Tour, on which the attraction is the OPS.)

The group agreed that whoever attends HAT meetings in the future on behalf of the OCBA and wants travel reimbursement needs to give OCBA a report.  A motion to pay Locke 14 cents per mile, or $81.76 for 584 miles for her attendance was made by Bill Jones and seconded by Janey Jacoby.

The group further decided on a mileage payment policy.  A motion to make the OCBA mileage payment reimbursement of 14 cents per mile for travel on its behalf, with prior board approval, was made by Carol Pahl and seconded by Jim Borland. Motion approved and carried.

5k Road Race: A motion to be a platinum sponsor at $1,500 of the 5K race in April was made by Jim Borland and seconded by Dick Jacoby.  Motion approved and carried.

New Business: Charles Temple, high school English teacher at the Ocracoke School, asked the OCBA to help purchase a portable lighting system with a contribution of $1,000 toward a portable Fresnel light kit, dimmer pack and cable, for about $4,000, or whatever Charles can negotiate. Ocracoke Theater Company will pay the majority of the cost and the system will be used at the school gym, Community Center and other areas as needed in the community.  Ownership of the lights will be by Ocracoke Theater Company or whatever organization oversees them, TBD.  As per OCBA’s policy that grant requests above $599 be approved in a two-step process, this was the first phase of the request.  A motion to approve the $1,000 grant in this first consideration was made by Jim Borland and seconded by Fred Westervelt. Motion approved and carried.

OCBA Tourism Director: Carol Pahl explained that the OCBA needs an employee to oversee the group’s tourism work: answering tourist calls, sending out information, updating the website and social media, supporting local businesses, marketing the island, liaison to travel and tourism groups and coordinating events. Valerie Mason will continue store the walking maps and asset brochures and send them out to various sites for $500 a month. Ivey Belch will no longer be paid to do the website as the new person would do this. The position will be from Feb. 1 to June 30, and will be about an 8-hour a week job as a contracted worker for a total of $2,500. After that, the position will be evaluated and funded further if we can getapproved funding from the Occupancy Tax Board. Job posting would be immediately following OCBA approval and interviews would be the week of Jan. 21. A motion to approve this contracted position for $2,500 until July 1 was made by Fred Westervelt and seconded by Connie Leinbach.  Motion approved and carried.

Announcements: Robin Payne reported that the high school shop class successfully created a replica of the Ocracoke Lighthouse for inclusion on the NC Tourism float in the Governor’s Inauguration parade  Jan. 12.

Janey Jacoby announced that the British Cemetery Ceremony will be May 11.

Fred Westervelt reminded the group that the OCBA will need a July 4th coordinator as he no longer is doing it.

Dick Jacoby reported that the OVFD got a new ladder truck from the Atlantic Beach Fire Department. Janey thanked the community, noting that the fire company heard from 126 people within 20 days of the fire company’s mail appeal.

Scenic By-ways is meeting on the island Jan. 24, and Saltwater Connections is having a weekend meeting here Jan. 25 and 26. Both will be held at NCCAT.

A motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:15 p.m.  was made by Darlene Styron and seconded by Dick Jacoby.  Motion approved and carried.

Next meeting: Wednesday, Feb. 13, 7 pm. Ocracoke Community Center

Respectfully submitted,


Connie Leinbach
