What do dreamcatchers, pillows, and local radio have in common? They were all part of the Summer Reading Program at Ocracoke Library.

Cuddle up with a good book – and your own pillow!
Cuddle up with a good book – and your own pillow!

Sponsored by the Ocracoke Friends of the Library, this year’s summer reading program for kids in grades K-8 kicked off with a pajama party at the library with cookies and stories. The “Dream Big, Read!” program was organized by FOL board members Allison Moote and Sundae Horn.

Five weekly programs brought the kids and parents to the library for stories, crafts, and fun with a nighttime theme. The K-2 age level made masks and acted out a book, sang lullabies, made puppets, sewed their own pillows, and made dreamcatchers. Each week, the kids were read to, then they checked out books from the library, and kept track of the books they read at home.

For grades 3-5 and 6th and up, the kids learned about wishing and fortune telling traditions from around the world; visited the lighthouse with NPS volunteer Ed Johnson; visited the studio at WOVV during Molly Lovejoy's program; heard ghost stories aboard the Wilma Lee; took a ghost walk with Amy Howard; and crafted dreamcatchers.

The last event was a pizza, t-shirt printing, and movie-watching party at Deepwater Theater for the kids who participated all summer.

Visiting Molly at WOVV
Visiting Molly at WOVV

Special thanks go to additional volunteers Jen MacDonald, Caroline Temple, Rob Temple, Emmet Temple, Charles “not the Jeopardy-winner” Temple, and Sue O’Neal.

Librarians Peter Vankevich and Bill Jones volunteered their time to attend summer reading programs and check out books for the kids.

In addition to the Friends of the Library programs, BHM Regional Library System sponsored a performance by magical storyteller Mark Daniel.

Mark Daniel and a little visitor who turned a stuffed bunny into a real one!
Mark Daniel and a little visitor who turned a stuffed bunny into a real one!