Jenny Scarborough
Farris, Charlie, Daisy and Chrissy.  Daisy felt shy.
Farris, Charlie, Daisy and Chrissy. Daisy felt shy.

Entrepreneur Farris O'Neal loves fishing and loves being on the water.

Farris astutely started businesses that allow him to do what he loves, and offer novel services to visitors. His Ocracoke empire began with Restless Native boat rentals and expanded with Ocracoke Parasail. Several years ago he added the charter boat Drum Stick, where as a younger man he worked as a mate, to his fleet.

Farris still commercially fishes, and sells much of his catch to local restaurants. He is a busy man, and it is easy to find him out and about in the village, often near the docks.

There is so much that could be said about Farris. So I will simply say that his easy smile and quick wit always make it a delight to see him.

His wife, Chrissy, stays busy raising their two children, Daisy (turning 3 this summer!) and Charlie, 9 months.

Ocracoke Current: Where did you go on your last vacation?

Chrissy: His last vacation was hunting in Canada.

Farris: I killed nothing. Our last family vacation was in Florida, to see her Grandparents.

Ocracoke Current: What's the last movie you saw in the theater?

Farris and Chrissy exchange perplexed looks.

Chrissy: I don't think we've ever seen a movie together in a theater.

Ocracoke Current: What's been the best part of 2012 so far?

Farris: The Current!

Ocracoke Current: Have you been offshore lately?

Farris: Not lately. The season starts next week. We'll be catching wahoo, tuna, dolphins, marlin.

Ocracoke Current: If you didn't live on Ocracoke, where would you live?

Farris: Hatteras. (Farris notices a look on Chrissy's face). Erm, we did like Jamaica, both of us.

Ocracoke Current: What did you have for breakfast?

Farris: Coffee, and cinammon rolls.

Ocracoke Current: How many O'Neals are in your family?

Farris: A lot. I think someone once counted 25 first cousins, something like that.

Ocracoke Current: What's the best part about your O'Neal family reunions?

Farris: The Barbequed mullet.

Ocracoke Current: Who will star as you in the Hollywood movie about your life?

Farris: Charlie Sheen!