Sundae Horn
Chandler O'Neal, age 7
Chandler O'Neal, age 7

Chandler O’Neal is 7 years old and in the 1st grade at Ocracoke School.

He lives with his parents, Serina and Carl O’Neal, and his big sister, Mackenzie. His granny, Sara Warren, and his grandparents, Sue and Cotton O’Neal, also live on Ocracoke.

Chandler agreed to be O’Neal of the week in the few minutes he had between school and basketball practice. He ran out to the pre-K playground to dunk on the basketball net and pose for his photo. The first thing I asked about was his dancing – perhaps you’ve seen him at Jimmy’s Garage party or in the videos his mom posted to Facebook. If so, you know that boy can really cut a rug!

Post-dunk smile!
Post-dunk smile!

OC: Where did you learn to dance?

Chandler: I learned by myself.

OC: What’s your favorite song to dance to?

Chandler: Moves Like Jagger

OC: If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be?

Chandler: Patrick [from Spongebob Sqaurepants]

OC: What’s the last movie you saw in the theater?

Chandler: Mr. Popper’s Penguins – with my Granny!

OC: What’s your favorite food?

Chandler: Chicken wings. And bluefish.

OC: How do you like your bluefish cooked?

Chandler: FRIED!!!

OC: What’s your favorite thing about school?

Chandler: Math

OC: What do you like to do when you’re not in school?

Chandler: I like playing basketball!!


And off he ran to the gym for practice! 

Thinking about basketball!
Thinking about basketball!