Census Deadline is TODAY
Please be counted! It really matters – for the next 10 years!
Hyde County's response rate is at 39.5%.

The Supreme Court recently issued a ruling that ended the counting extension previously given. That means today, October 15, is the final day to complete the 2020 Census.

Hyde County's response rate is still extremely low. This will affect federal funding the county receives for the next 10 years! (Federal funding includes for health care, schools, roads, storm hazard mitigation -- you know, all those things that WE NEED. Plus a whole lot more!)

If you have not already done so, please take 5 -10 minutes today to complete the census and tell a friend to complete theirs!

It's easy, it's fast, and it's the right thing to do! Click here.

EVERYONE needs to be counted. There's NOT a citizenship question (that was tried and overruled in court), so even if you are undocumented, PLEASE do the census!