Press Release
OPS Solicits Bids for Project Manager
The Ocracoke Preservation Society is soliciting bids for a Project Manager for a public restroom project on the Island Inn property.

In December, the Occupancy Tax Board awarded grant money to OPS for the construction of a public restroom facility to be located on the OPS property at the corner of Rte. 12 and Lighthouse Road (the Island Inn property).

Preliminary planning has been completed and, after its January Executive Committee meeting, OPS decided to request proposals for a Project Manager to carry the project to completion.

Information packets detailing the project and required tasks are available for pick up at the Post Office, the hardware store, and the museum. Deadline for submission of proposals is February 15, 2019.

OPS hopes to have the project operational by mid-summer. 

Discussions are continuing regarding ongoing maintenance, cleaning, and operational details once the construction is completed.