OCBA asks that the building's acoustics issues be addressed.

March 3, 2015

Dear Ocracoke Community Center Board, 

At the November 2014 meeting, the group decided to formally contact you with a request that you respectfully re-install the curtains (or some other sound-deadening objects) in the room. 

It is my understanding that the curtains that were taken down (because of the mold) are specially made to help absorb sound.

While we understand (and agree) that the new look of the renovated center is clean and looks good, the room is in dire need of sound deadening because of the overly-hard surfaces that cause an echo, especially with live music.

The difficult acoustics were remarked on at the two events of Blackbeard’s Pirate Jamboree Oct. 31 to Nov. 2 this past year.  Our sound people had a real challenge figuring out how to mike both the Friday and Saturday night events. At the Saturday night finale with the Motley Tones, the singers decided to move off of the stage and into the crowd because of this.

The harsh acoustics also were noted at the OCBA’s Community Christmas Concert in December.

Although I had verbally mentioned this request in December to your president Barbara Jemison, we are sending this letter as follow-up to that request and hope this can be done before the Ocracoke Child Care Center Clam Chowder Cook-Off and dance with the Ocracoke Rockers on April 4.

Thank you so much for your attention to this request.

Very truly yours,

Connie Leinbach

OCBA secretary