Press Release
Volunteers Needed For British Cemetery Ceremony

The annual memorial ceremony is scheduled for Friday, May 8, 2015.

Last week members of the War Graves Committee met in Hatteras to begin preparing for the 2015 British Cemetery Ceremonies on Hatteras Island and Ocracoke Island. 

This committee is made up of representatives from the U.S. Coast Guard, the Coast Guard Auxilary, the Graveyard of Atlantic Museum, and their Friends of the Museum organization, and a representative from Ocracoke. A lot of coordination is required to see that everything is in place for each event. The Hatteras Island program will occur on Thursday May 7th, while Ocracoke’s ceremony will be on Friday May 8th at 11:00.

This event attracts a lot of visitors to Ocracoke. Many of which choose to arrive early and remain for a day or two afterwards. Thanks to the Ocracoke Occupancy Tax Board, $2000.00 is provided to cover the cost of the cemetery plantings and the reception afterwards. This rarely covers the total cost, so donations are encouraged from the community and property owners. 

Two Ocracoke high school seniors will be selected to read the history of the sinking of the HMT Bedfordshire and the names of the men who lost their lives that day. Two seniors will be selected to welcome the guests to the event. Howard Bennink plays taps to close the program. Our Boy Scout troop marches in the procession and recessional, which is always a heartwarming sight. The school encourages the students to attend the program.

How can you help?

British Cemetery Committee, Ocracoke Civic & Business Assoc., P. O. Box 456, Ocracoke, NC 27960

Please contact Janey Jacoby at or 252-928-1881, if you will be available to help.